v1.0.5 Updated documentation Various small fixes Changed files: library/css/style.css -------------------- v1.0.4 Updated FontAwesome icons to 4.6.3 Changed icons in Icomoon icon pack (icons with "im im-" prefix) to a different icon set. Check out the documentation for complete list of icons http://demos.volovar.net/bluecollar.html/documentation/#icons Changed files: library/css/style.css, library/css/style.scss, library/fonts, library/css/import -------------------- v1.0.3 Google map element (c-gmap) now requires Google API key (via "data-google-api-key" attribute). The element won't work without a key. Changed files: style.css, style.scss, contact.html, library/js/library.js -------------------- v1.0.2 Updated FontAwesome icons to version 4.4 Removed Dribbble and Instagram feeds as they are no longer supported Changed files: style.css, style.scss, library/fonts, library/css/import/font-awesome.min.scss, library/css/import/font-awesome.min.css, library/js/third-party.js/ library/js/scripts.js -------------------- v1.0.1 Updated FontAwesome to version 4.3 Fixed issue with Google Map Changed files: style.css, style.scss, library/fonts, library/css/import/font-awesome.min.scss, library/css/import/font-awesome.min.css ------------------------ v1.0.0 Initial ThemeForest release.